They reveal that Pfizer is only 39% effective against Delta variant according to study in Israel


The vaccine vs covid-19 of Pfizer-BioNTech provides high protection against hospitalizations Yes severe cases caused by contagious Delta variant in Israel, even if it was only 39% effective in preventing infections, according to Ministry of Health del not.

The vaccine I provided a 88% protection against hospitalization and 91% against serious illness to an unknown number of people studied between June 20 and July 17, according to a report by Ministry of Health posted Thursday.

According to the report, the data could be biased due to different ways of analyzing groups of people vaccinated versus those who had not been vaccinated.

“The strongly asymmetric exposure patterns over the recent past epidemic in Israel, which are limited to specific sectors of the population and specific localities, “means that the analysis may not take into account all the factors,” said Ran Balicer, chairman of the national expert advisory team of Israel on the answer to covid-19. “We are trying to supplement this research approach with others, taking into account other personal characteristics. But it takes time and more cases.”

However, the data is likely to fuel the debate on the advisability of administering it. booster injections people who have already been vaccinated, which Pfizer said he plans to apply in United States. Israeli authorities said earlier this month that they would administer only one third round vaccines for people with weakened immune systems.

Proven studies

Data from Israel, who had earlier access to vaccines than most of the rest of the world, in contrast to a study of the UK. The article, published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine, Found that two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine offer a 88% protection against symptomatic diseases caused by Delta variant and 94% against the alpha variant which was first discovered in Britain. Public health England also previously discovered that the pfizer vaccineBioNTech it was 96% effective against hospitalization.

Pfizer Yes BioNTech trust the protection Yes Security of two-dose vaccinePfizer said in a statement Friday. BioNTech is reviewing vaccine study data, a spokesperson reported.

Analysis of the clinical trial conducted by the companies on more than 43,000 people shows that the efficiency against symptomatic infection decreases over time, To go from 95% in the first two months to the low to medium range of 80% four to six months after the second dose, inform Pfizer.

The delta variant first appeared in India and is spreading around the world, sometimes infecting those who are already fully vaccinated against covid. The change has led some countries to intensify vaccination campaigns and rethink plans for relaxation of restrictions of commerce, activity and travel.

Israel achieved one of the world’s most effective vaccination campaigns, with a 57% of the population fully vaccinated, but has seen a recent increase in infections due to the delta variant. Severe cases have also increased, but are still only a fraction of the peak reached since the start of the year.

the Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, urged those who have not been vaccinated – around 1.1 million people – to get vaccinated, as it is the most effective way to beat the Delta variant. The government has also reinstated some restrictions on indoor events Yes plans to ban flights to several countries where contagion rates are increasing, including the UK and Cyprus.


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