They save 300 people from a ship that caught fire …


Around 300 people were rescued from a ferry What he caught fire on the banks of Indonesia. According to local authorities, so far no deaths have been recorded and only one person is still missing.

On Saturday, the “KM Karya Indah”, a passenger ship, caught fire as it sailed through the Moluccan Sea towards Sanana, a remote port in the northeast of the archipelago. The fire broke out a few minutes after the boat left and the passengers and crew had to jump into the sea.

“There were 275 people on board, 274 were safely evacuated,” Muhammad Arafah, head of local search and rescue teams, told Kompas TV on Sunday.

Arafah added that “They are looking for a person, a 43 year old man” and the rescuers are looking for him. In addition, he noted that at least 35 of the ferry passengers were children.

In images released by the rescue agency, the ferry is seen surrounded by smoke and several passengers wearing life jackets.

Local police have arrested more than a dozen crew members for questioning about the cause of the incident. According to passengers, the fire would have started in the engine room del ferry.


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