They save two young women and a minor who had disappeared, deceived by their captors


Two young women and a minor missing They were located and rescued by Tucumán police after being victimized by people who contacted them via social media with false promises “Work and emotional ties”, informed police sources.

This week, three complaints were received, including from missing girls in the province, ”said Police Director General for Trafficking in Persons and Gender-Based Violence Julio Fernández.

Likewise, the official pointed out that the case of one of the girls, 14, “a man of Bolivian nationality, who intended to capture her, came to the province and was arrested in a case that started as a disappearance and turned into a grooming case, as she is under investigation within the Prosecutor’s Unit for sexual integrity II “.

“The Bolivian citizen asked the minor to extract money from his parents, so she took 70 thousand pesos from them and rented a room to wait for him when he arrived in the province, for this reason they immediately intervened in this grooming business “,


Another complaint was filed by the mother of a 20-year-old girl, who “was found in the province of Cordoba where she had traveled for work”, said the police chief of human trafficking and gender violence.

In this sense, Fernández recommended that “If a young woman wants to look for a job, tell her parents and bring someone with youAnd if you want to travel, tell them under what circumstances, where you are going and how they requested this trip to another place, usually it is Cordoba and Buenos Aires. “

As for the other case, “A 19-year-old girl had contacted, first via social networks and then via WhatsApp, with a man of Peruvian nationality, who had asked her to go to Peru to meet her, and the girl was saved before going to that country, ”Fernández said.

He then spoke of the way in which the police act when they learn of these cases, “These are urgent and rapid interventions which are made from this Special Division”the official said and dismissed the myth that you have to wait 24 hours to act.

“We always ask anyone with knowledge of the disappearance of a child, adolescent or adult, to report it immediately because the Police are prepared, by protocol and regulations, to receive the complaint immediately” ,


And he added: “When complaints are made, we have elements that we immediately launch into the federal communications system Police (Sifcop), so that the missing person is searched throughout the national territory, even if he crosses the borders of the country. “

Finally, Fernández asked adults “to avoid this type of situation, parents should advise their children to beware of all messages that they enter via social networks and WhatsApp, and try to find out where they come from because these are false promises of love and work, they do it to attract a person ”.

Usually people from other countries are looking to attract a girl so they can come to the country. It becomes a case of cyber sexual bullying, ”he concluded.

Telam Agency.

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