They saved a curious Australian marsupial in Cordoba – News


The capture took place on Monday at an address in the Residencial San Carlos district, in the capital of Cordoba.

This is a specimen of a sugar glider, a mammal native to Australia that was rescued by personnel from the Cordoba Police Environmental Patrol Division.

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After the recovery, officers reported the situation to the division and the Provincial Environmental Secretariat as reported.

The animal rescued in Cordoba (Photos: Cordoba Police)

Gliders are nocturnal animals used to living in trees. Its name is due to their preference for sweet foods.

They resemble flying squirrels in that they have a membrane on the side of the body that allows them to perform small, planned flights. These jumps are a little over 50 meters, to go from one tree to another.

An adult specimen measures on average between 14 and 19 centimeters. They have an omnivorous diet because they feed on sage; nectar; insects such as spiders and moths and small mammals.

Sugar gliders are found in northern and eastern Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia, and Tasmania.


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