They say exports of meat produced in the province have quadrupled in the last three years


"Beef exports have grown exponentially in recent years, and between 2015 and 2018 we went from $ 674 million to $ 1,287 million, an increase of 90%," Sarquís told Telam.

"The volume of exports to China has quadrupled in the last three years, moving from the third or fourth destination to very easily occupy the top of beef exports." Other important destinations for exports are Germany, the United States and the United States. Russia and Chile "said the official.

Sarquís recalled that "until 2018, we exported only frozen meat to China, but that from last year, the chilled meat market was open, a product whose price is 40% higher than that of frozen meat "

Currently, there are 25 slaughterhouses in the province of Buenos Aires, authorized by Senasa to export, and 16 of them are allowed to make shipments to China.

Until this year, the first quarter of 2019, China's beef exports increased by 77%, reaching 140 million dollars.

Sarquís, interviewed by Telam regarding the sale of beef in the United States, said that "in the last 17 years, this market has been closed" and that "thanks to the negotiations of the year last, they reopened for an initial quota of 20,000 tons ".

For his part, the minister said that "the other activities that registered a good rate of export in the first quarter are cereals (+ 12%), vegetables and legumes (+ 13%) and processed wool ( + 33%) ".

In addition, "cereal exports (wheat, barley and maize) increased by 12% in the first quarter of the year and have already been exported to more than $ 1,120 million, which represents 45% of the value of agro-industrial exports in the region ". period. "

Finally, Sarquís said that he continued to work with the fishing sector "focusing on actions that give priority to creating jobs in Mar del Plata" and gave as an example the approval of an "agreement between fishing companies and workers of the sector, create new jobs in the field of shrimp production".

"The companies involved in this initiative are Pesqueras Argentinas SA, Frigopesca SA and Mar Atlántico SA, which have signed an agreement setting a percentage of productivity for temporary workers who submit the shrimp treatment project in Mar del Plata." he concluded.


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