They say Silvio Berlusconi is very sick and demand to remove him from scandalous trial


Now even justice believes it. “We absolutely believe that Silvio Berlusconi he is seriously ill, suffering from a severe pathology, as the medical certificates and consultations say. “It was confirmed by the prosecutor Tiziana Siciliano in the process “Ruby Ter” for bribes to silence witnesses, which is carried out in Milan against he knight and 28 other accused.

Berlusconi has been Prime Minister of Italy three times. He is one of the country’s great tycoons and the czar of private television. Very rich, with a declared fortune of eight billion euros, he was the undisputed protagonist for twenty years of Italian political life.

Berlusconi has been accused of having had sex with at least one minor, known to all as Ruby heartstrider, which cost him a seven-year prison sentence later overturned by a plea of ​​judicial innocence on appeal.

Mountains of silver

The current cause also focuses on silver mountain that Berlusconi would have paid many young women and Ruby herself to support Closed mouth.

Combo is the file dated April 23, 2013 of former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and young Moroccan Karima El Marough.  Photo: EFE

Combo is the file dated April 23, 2013 of the former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the young Moroccan Karima El Marough. Photo: EFE

Before the courts of Milan, Berlusconi, who turned 84 and continues to be the leader of Forza Italia, the center-right mega-party reduced by the drop to 7-8% of the electoral force, has already dodged Seven times calls to testify in the so-called “Ruby Ter”, in which he is accused of corruption and other crimes.

Doctors of the “Cavaliere” (no more, the title of knight of labor was removed after the first judicial sentence), maintain that his health is very fragile. The accusers came to accept the justifications many held they were pretexts. No.

Health problems

Berlusconi suffers from heart problems which have worsened since a heart valve had to be changed five years ago. Last Septembercoronavirus-vez-salve-_0_Wg810tC8z.html “target =” _ blank “> he was caught by the coronavirus and contracted double pneumonia, which for many is the precursor of death, but he was saved.

Wear a pacemaker to maintain your heart rate. His doctors at San Raffaelle hospital say the virus continues to cause him problems.

In April, he was hospitalized for 24 days. He left and returned to the San Raffaelle. In his magnificent mansion in Arcore, in the suburbs of Milan, the scene of some of his worldly adventures with young girls This had a worldwide repercussion when he was head of government, a hospital was set up for an exclusive patient, equipped with all the machines and what is needed to cure him.

This Thursday, the court will have to decide whether or not to accept the proposal of the prosecutors: to temporarily separate the Berlusconi case from the other defendants, “who have the right to be prosecuted within a reasonable time”.

The court could decide to grant Berlusconi up to 90 days’ leave for “Absolute rest” that the doctors claim and thus unblock the paralyzed process each time the magnate had to testify before the magistrates.

Berlusconi’s festivities

These ups and downs are back in the collective memory a chain of scandals driven by Berlusconi’s vocation to bring together many young women in his magnificent homes, while he was at the height of power.

The young Moroccan Karima el-Mahroug, nicknamed Ruby.  Photo: AP

The young Moroccan Karima el-Mahroug, nicknamed Ruby. Photo: AP

The end of the Cold War liquidated the Italian Communist Party but also the Christian Democracy, which had played a role in the post-war period. Berlusconi, a construction entrepreneur who wanted to create a television empire and he was successful, entered the political arena and within a few years defeated his rivals he gained a prominent place in history. national. The first of his three terms as Prime Minister began in 1994.

The series of “crescendo” scandals erupted on the night of May 27, 2010, when Karima el MahrougA fiery and unprejudiced 17-year-old young woman, she was arrested in Milan, accused by other young people who frequented the nightlife of big nightclubs, of having robbed a precious watch.

Karima was Ruby, a Moroccan, who was lost and managed to call her friend Silvio, who was in Paris for an international meeting. Berlusconi government officials mobilized that they assured the police that Ruby was the niece of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

He quickly put pressure on the upper echelons of the police and the Milan prefecture who felt that the head of government should be defeated. Ruby came out at dawn. A friend of Berlusconi was waiting for him.

Karima El Mahroug, known as Ruby.  (AP)

Karima El Mahroug, known as Ruby. (AP)

The case was made public by a journalistic investigation and the big scandal erupted. Berlusconi and other figures participated in festicholas with young girls at the Arcore residence where Silvio resides.

Later it was learned that the first tycoon had also summoned through an intermediary girls who were traveling from the southern city of Bari to the Berlusconian residence in Rome, at the Grazioli Palace, four blocks from the seat of government.

Putin’s “bed”

It was learned from new festivals and an object much commented on by the girls for its dimensions. They called her the Putin’s bedBecause it was huge and the Russian leader had given it to his close friend (until today) Silvio Berlusconi. The girls took pictures of each other and also kept the ones from Putin’s bed, which had so much to say.

Villa Certosa.  Photo: AFP

Villa Certosa. Photo: AFP

Besides Arcore in Milan and the Grazioli Palace in Rome, another residence worthy of the Thousand and One Nights has jumped on stage. The magnificent Villa Certosa on the island of Sardinia. The press recorded that there were wild parties, undressed night dances, so many young girls and the last surprise that Berlusconi gave in the early morning: the eruption of an artificial volcano, show who amazed the guests.

The accumulated stories and scandals ended in processes that reached their greatest impact in the case of Ruby Heartbeat, who is only known today to have dissolved from notoriety with great economic prosperity, who married and had a son.

Baptized girls “Grandpa” in Berlusconi. Everyone who agreed to the close encounters which allegedly included sexual exposure and interchange asked “Papi” something. Money, opportunities in private television dominated by the three networks of the head of government. There were two who requested an apartment. There were two terrible twins who paid themselves well.

Young Moroccan Karima El-Marough accompanied by Austrian businessman Richard Lugner, in 2011. Photo: EFE

Young Moroccan Karima El-Marough accompanied by Austrian businessman Richard Lugner, in 2011. Photo: EFE

When the stories were complicated by forensic investigations, Berlusconi had to instruct his personal accountant, Giuseppe Spinelli, to lto the management of girls.

2500 euros not to mention each time

Spinelli paid them 2500 euros per time to keep your mouth shut. In some cases, the prices have become saltier. When Spinelli was called to testify, he failed to justify himself that day should be vaccinated against the virus.

Berlusconi resigned his third term in 2011 with the national economy in dire straits, and began a long decade of decline accompanied by old age and lawsuits, which barred him from holding positions in the Italian Parliament and enduring penalties for tax evasion, corruption and the consequences of rampant festicholas, which received the popular name of bunga bunga.

The death of a model

There was a tragedy of never-cleared contours. The model Imane Fadil, also Moroccan, witness to the adventures of Berlusconi with Ruby Heartbeat, was summoned by a Milanese court in 2011 and for nine years “I have always told the truth”.

The model Imane Fadil.  Photo: AP

The model Imane Fadil. Photo: AP

Imane testified in all three processes led by Silvio and Ruby. The declarations of the Moroccan model were to compromise and she said the pressures were unbearable. She looked emaciated and sad.

In mid-February 2019, she was admitted to the Humanitas Hospital in Milan, where he died a month later “between excruciating pain”, as a Milan prosecutor who opened an investigation into his strange death said.

If on Thursday the court accepts the prosecutors’ request and grants Berlusconi 90 days of vacation to move the process forward, the question is whether these fairs will be healthy for the aging and sick tycoon, but who remains one of the protagonists of the ‘Italian. political life.

Berlusconi is currently ME P in the European Parliament and his views influence conservative politicians in the 27 EU countries.

But the judicial machine continues to function and several sentences await you, among them that of Milan, who must or must not condemn him for his “non sancta” relationship with Ruby and the stories of the festicholas flowers. The court cases in which he is involved could cost him up to eleven years in prison in total, according to the sums of some columnists.

Rome, correspondent

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