They say that the IMF has already recognized Alberto F. as the next president


The columnist of MDZ Radio, Carlos Burgueño, badures in a note of Scope that the International Monetary Fund, the IMF, has already taken an official position against the electoral process in Argentina and considers Alberto Fernández as the next president.

"Alejandro Werner explained that it was urgent for the IMF to start negotiating with Alberto Fernández and his team on the future of the agreement with the financial agency.The director general of the Western hemisphere was the main spokesman for the IMF's already official position in the country.I find that yesterday the members of the mission in Argentina have kept pace with the representatives of the Frente de Todos ", says the specialist.

The organization believes that it is very difficult to negotiate with Mauricio Macri because "he lost power". They would have transmitted yesterday the need to negotiate Fernandez, which the opposition candidate accepted, but stating at all times that when he was elected president, he would not sit down to discuss conditions of a future agreement.

At the meeting yesterday, Alejandro Werner reportedly told the opposition team: "We are facing a difficult political problem. We work with the people who leave and we have to work with the people who will arrive. "When they heard this statement, they insisted that the fund's representatives" go beyond "and Fernandez himself reminded them that" I have not been elected yet ". .

In the midst of this constant demand from the IMF, the candidate – according to Burgueño – told the representatives of the Fund: "We know how to develop the country, you do not do it. Leave this task to us; and you will charge and we will all get along. "



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