They say the Loch Ness monster would be a giant eel


Professor Gemmell explained at a press conference: "I do not believe that the idea of ​​plesiosaur is preserved according to the data we have obtained. We discovered 500 million different genetic sequences and compared them to other living things. The result indicates that most of the samples belong to a large population of freshwater eels. So, can the observations correspond to giant eels? At this point, Gemmell did not want to exclude the possibility but did not confirm it: "Our data does not reveal its size, but the large amount of existing material indicates that we can not exclude the possibility that there are giant eels in Loch Ness. Therefore, we can not exclude the possibility that what people say they saw in the lake and that they describe as the Loch Ness monster could be a giant eel. "

However, he stated that "the divers claimed to have seen eels as thick as their paws, I do not know if they exaggerated or not, I do not know, but it is possible that he there are very big eels in the lake. "

"When they reach four meters, as some people suggest … well, as a geneticist, I think mutations can occur and even if an eel of this size is unusual, it does not seem impossible that some something can be so unusual in size. "To confirm this, he concluded," further research is needed, so, according to our data, giant eels remain a plausible idea, "he added. Most scientists have denied the Nessie phenomenon over the years, ruling out its existence, based on deception and misidentified objects.

The door will always be open

The photo that was a fraud

The most famous image of Nessie was taken in 1934 by Colonel Robert Kenneth Wilson, but sometime later, it was revealed that it was a hoax, of a staging.

A tourist attraction

The phenomenon is still a big problem for the Scottish coffers and each year, hundreds of thousands of visitors come curiously close to the nearby town of Drumnadrochit in the hope of seeing the monster.


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