They searched for waste and found 4 bodies on Everest


If climate change continues to dissolve ice, other corpses may appear.

Everest, the highest mountain in the world, has been transformed over the years into a mountain of rubbish, but a team of 14 volunteers is currently carrying out a clean-up operation that has already removed three tonnes of waste and hopes to eliminate others. seven in the next 45 days. Sagarmatha's clean-up campaign is the Ministry of Tourism of Nepal's ambitious plan to clean up the world's largest garbage dump. Apart from "obvious" waste (cans, bottles, pieces of plastic in general, mountaineering objects and human excrement), there are at the end of the most dramatic discoveries until now the bodies of four mountaineers. And according to the ANSA agency, if climate change continues to dissolve the ice, it is likely that more corpses will appear.


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