They seek in Israel the fugitive of the group who broke his legs to women



Federico Schiber escaped before the verdict; his father, Hugo, was sentenced to 18 years in prison

By her dress she had earned the nickname of Linyera. That's what they called Federico Schiber in the group that breaks the bone because he was wearing suits and sneakers. He was also known as a doctor, although he was not a lawyer.

Currently, Linyera is the only fugitive bone-breaking gang sentenced to 15 to 18 years in prison for breaking the legs of at least eight women for the purpose of defrauding insurance companies. Argentine justice, following an investigation by Interpol, located the fugitive in Israel.

Federico Schiber has an international arrest warrant. According to the sources of the investigation, he would have managed to reach Israel. He crossed Argentina in Uruguay. He took a collective boat that left him in the city of Carmelo, then he crossed Montevideo. From there, he went to Brazil, where he took an Air Europa flight – he paid the ticket in cash – to Barcelona. His track was lost in Israel.

During the oral trial which ended last December in the courts of San Isidro, his name was mentioned more often than that of his father, Hugo César Schiber, lawyer.

The oldest of the Schiber was sentenced to 18 years in prison by San Isidro Oral Court No. 7, who considered him the alleged leader of a group of "caranchos" dedicated to defrauding insurers by paying compensation. from a millionaire accidents that never arrived.

At the beginning of December, Federico Schiber stopped attending the hearings. He had heard how the victims had repeated his name and placed them at the center of maneuvers designed to break the legs of at least eight women and simulate the fact that they had been knocked over by cars. Subsequently, he concealed their identity papers and forced them to sign powers in favor of their father, who had sued the insurers.

At the end of the oral proceedings, judges María Coelho, María Elena Márquez and Alberto Gaig also sentenced Daniel Ceferino Herrera to 15 years in prison. Some of the victims accused him of being one of those who broke the legs of at least eight women.

In the case opened in 2011 by the prosecutor of San Isidro María Virginia Toso, who was also responsible for prosecution during the oral proceedings, it was determined that the members of the gang took advantage of the extreme poverty of women and They offered money to break their legs. Although they have never been paid.

Federico Schiber appeared as the owner of the Peugeot Partner truck, which the organization used as a fake ambulance to prioritize hospitalizations.

Both at the stage of the investigation faced by the prosecutor Toso and during the oral proceedings, it was determined that the defendants had asked the women who broke their legs to sign a power in favor of Hugo Schiber. Initiate requests for sums millionaires insurance companies.

The organization retained the DNI of the victims until the signing of the credentials. Women had been promised to pay ridiculous sums of money and Federico Schiber had, on occasion, paid between 100 and 200 pesos of "badistance".

One of the victims recalled that he had revoked the power that he had signed in favor of Hugo Schiber. She then began to receive calls from Federico Schiber, who forced her to sign the power again for her father, under the threat of murder and killing her son.

In explaining the reasons for the resolution, the judges considered as aggravating the sentence: "The cruel, discriminatory, inhuman and degrading treatment inflicted on the victims during the criminal maneuvers and during the trial".



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