They seek to ban taxis and naphtha buses from here 2028 in the city


As in other Latin American cities such as Medellín, Bogotá and Santiago de Chile, the city of Buenos Aires seeks to impose the use of renewable energy in public transport. The project, which has already joined the Environment Committee of the Buenos Aires Legislature, raises prohibit from 2028 the circulation of naphtha-based public transport vehicles, diesel or other fuel that does not come from renewable sources.

"What he's looking for, is to change public transport in 10 years so that they're green, with the idea of ​​reducing gas emissions, but not just for vehicles." electric, but also for hybrids and hydrogen, "he explained. Sergio Abrevaya, senior legislator of the GEN and author of the project.

According to the legislator, Businesswoman's House Pbadenger Automatic Transportation (CEAP) has already endorsed the initiative. "In the city of Buenos Aires, all lines have the obligation to renew their fleet every 10 years and they have already announced their willingness to replace ecological units," he said.

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For this, the project provides a series of incentives and credits to businesses. Thus, if it is approved, all taxis and buses traveling in the territory of Buenos Aires from 2028 must be electric, hybrid or fueled with hydrogen or other non-fossil fuel.

In August 2018, the UN called on Latin American countries to invest in electric mobility. As the agency explains, the region "suffers from a very strong air pollution in the cities" due to the excessive increase in the number of vehicles.

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In this sense, they badure the UN that if the current fleet of groups and taxis of 22 cities in Latin America was immediately replaced by electric vehicles, this would save by 2030 nearly $ 64,000 million in fuel.

Some of the countries that have taken the lead on this issue are Colombia and Chile. Medellinfor example, the deployment of 1,500 electric taxis by 2020, while Santiago Its goal is to exceed 2,000 electric buses in 2025.

UruguayFor its part, it has already built the first regional route with electric charging stations of more than 300 km and eliminated the electric vehicles of commercial vehicles from import taxes. Argentina It has also lowered customs duties on such cars from 35% to 2%.


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