They seek to regulate porn on the web to protect boys


The decision was made in England through a law aimed at ensuring that the users of packaged pages show that they are older by registering their data. Controversy

The problem of the ease with which an Internet user accesses conditional content is becoming more prevalent in the world and some experts even dare to speak of an "online badgraphy epidemic" that may become "more addictive than ever before." ". cocaine. "

In this context, the UK government made a point last year in order to regulate the offer of these pages so that they are not accessible to minors. Shortly after the entry into force of the new regulation, which should take place on 15 July, the measure is already causing considerable controversy. A measure that states that to access adult content, each user must prove that he or she is truly an adult by registering their data.

As one could expect, this possibility has aroused strong opposition from those who understand that it is an advance in the privacy of people. Defenders of individual rights and rights on the Internet are opposed to a law that requires users to enter their personal data in badgraphic pages or buy in person a kind of business card for this purpose.

With the controversy already settled and a few days of rule becoming a reality at least in England, many parents have stepped in to support it, to the point that the lawmakers say it's backed by 88% British parents. boys aged 7 to 17 years old.

The new controversial regulation

This will make the United Kingdom the first country in the world to introduce mandatory age verification mechanisms for badgraphic websites in order to prevent minors' access to access .

The law has been approved by the Department of Digital Affairs, Culture, Media and Sports of the United Kingdom. In addition, it obliges commercial suppliers of badgraphy via the Internet to set up old age verification mechanisms to ensure that their users are 18 years of age or older, thus protecting minors from access to this content.

The British Board of Film Clbadification (BBFC), the United Kingdom 's age – rated film and video game organization, which will be responsible for enforcing the regulations, has created a voluntary certificate of approval. Digital Age (AVC, for its acronym in Spanish). English) for users of badgraphic websites.

In the meantime, the pages themselves, in addition to introducing age verification mechanisms, can opt for the certificate issued by the entity after an independent review.

The proposed age verification mechanisms do not involve entering a date of birth or clicking on a box. Among those available include the ability to use online identity documents, such as credit cards or pbadports, cell phones without parental filters and the purchase of a card access in a physical company.

More addictive than cocaine

Behind this initiative and this controversy, the British government has revealed a compelling reality: many badgraphic pages are accessible to everyone on the Web, where it is estimated that badgraphy accounts for up to 50% of the total content.

For the UK authorities, this ability to access online badgraphic content "changes the way young people understand healthy relationships, bad and consent",

According to the Spanish psychiatrist Enrique Rojas, "more than 80% of young people in the civilized world see badgraphy almost daily".

The psychiatrist added that "the addiction to badgraphy is more serious than that of cocaine because it affects specific brain circuits, where a substance called dopamine appears and after a while without seeing what kind of images, one sees pushed to look for them, it is like a magnet which drags in this direction ".

For the psychiatrist, this situation today concerns "the millions of teenagers trapped in this, aged 12 or 14 years without their parents being aware, which changes their vision of the woman, of baduality and love ".


Internet searches concern packaged sites, according to survey data indicating that the major content-consuming countries of this type are the United Kingdom and the United States.


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