They sell Japanese glasses that promise to …


The myopia This usually happens when the cornea and retina of the eyeball are too far apart. The correct focusing of light is then inhibited, causing blurred vision of objects at a distance.

Japanese company offers risk-free solution. They are going to put new glasses on the Asian market to correct myopia and thus avoid eye surgery. The device from Kubota must be used 60 to 90 minutes per day.

The prototype is expected to reach commercial scale in Asia in the second half of 2021. The company’s idea is to sell it in Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand and Malaysia. At the same time, Kubota started a clinical trial in the United States. However, the company is about to market the glasses “First in Asia, which has a high rate of nearsightedness,” Ryo Kubota, president of the company, said in a statement.

The laptop is worn in front of the eyes, like regular glasses, for more than an hour a day to correct the refractive error that is causing the defect. These products are promised, they will end the stretching of the back wall of the eye which causes myopia.

How it works?

The glasses project a blurry image of the device onto the wearer’s retina which works like an exercise that, according to a lab study, “shortens the length of the axis” from the cornea to the retina and blurs distant objects.

At this time, no details are known, including key questions such as how many days, months or years should the device be used to control myopia, or how long the effect lasts. correction.

Myopia progresses as the major axis of the eye increases, until your twenties, when it stops. But the danger of developing serious eye diseases such as myopic maculopathy, retinal detachment and glaucoma increases. Kubota began clinical trials of its glasses in 2020 and is also developing (no study start date) a device similar to contact lenses to control myopia.

Kubota, which debuted on the Tokyo Stock Exchange for start-ups in December 2016, develops drugs and devices for treating vision problems.


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