They send Boudou to trial for trout bills


The former vice-president is under investigation for a trip during his tenure as head of the Ministry of Economy. Source: Archive – Credit: Ricardo Pristupluk / LA NACION

The former vice president

Amado Boudou

He added a new oral trial for the case in which he had investigated the presentation of apocryphal invoices during the course of his duties as Minister of the Economy's first management. 39; company.

Cristina Kirchner


Federal Judge Ariel Lijo reviewed the investigation and decided to take the case to court. The file was opened following a complaint filed by lawyer Alejandro Sánchez Kalbermatten in 2013.

The judge had charged Boudou in December 2017 for "swindling the public administration by filing affidavits containing false information and apocryphal payment vouchers" on the daily allowance and hotels for a trip to Paris in 2011, as part of the meeting of G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in Paris.

In his opening statement in June of last year, Boudou had seconded and claimed that "no minister is in charge of administrative duties".

Guido Forcieri, head of the Cabinet in charge of the economy under the leadership of Boudou and his former private secretary, Hector Eduardo "Cachi" Romano, are also involved in this case. They are accused of "defrauding the public administration by filing affidavits containing false information and apocryphal payment vouchers".

According to the judge and prosecutor Jorge Di Lello, they "allegedly falsified four bills of the hotel" Bel-Ami "of Paris, two of which appeared with the number 83167 for 9395 and 6943,23 euros respectively, another with the number 88 636 for 19 937 euros and the last bearing the number 79263 for 3 863 euros They also allegedly falsified an invoice in favor of the interpreter Eduardo E. Kahanne, of an amount of 3 300 euros, and another in favor of the interpreter Ana Ruth Juarez, an amount of 3050 euros ".

According to judicial officials, this would have been executed "in order to obtain a direct economic advantage through fraud committed against the public administration".

In the meantime, today we are continuing, at the same hearing, the two lawsuits that Boudou is facing for irregularities in the purchase of cars for the Ministry of the Economy and for the falsification of documents in the sale of a Honda car. The former vice president is detained at Ezeiza Prison since February for complying with the sentence he had inflicted for the cause


, five years and ten months in prison.


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