They sentenced Vatican number 3 for raping two children | Chronic


The Australian cardinal George PellThe former Vatican 3 president and highest representative of the Catholic Church, convicted of pedophilia, was sentenced on Wednesday to six years in prison for abusing children.

The judge Peter Kidd, from a court in the Australian city of Melbourne, said that in defining the sentence, he took into account the "horrendous" crimes and the advanced age (77 years) of religious. In the 1990s, Pell was punishable by a maximum sentence of 50 years for abusing two choir boys from his church.

Pell, who insists on his innocence, appeared in Melbourne court after being convicted of five bad crimes against two children in 1996 and 1997.

The monks – who wore a black shirt but without the traditional white collar – remained seated and impbadive, while Judge Kidd described the attacks on the two boys at the altar. Pell "may not live long enough to be released from prison"Kidd said.

The cardinal was forced to sign the bad offender register and must serve a minimum sentence of three years and eight months imprisonment at the end of his six-year general sentence.

He was found guilty of having stuck the two children, who were then 13 years old and were scholars of the prestigious St. Kevin School and abused them in December 1996. The gesture was repeated with one of the two children two months later.

"There is an additional level of degradation and humiliation that each of its victims must have felt to know that the abuse suffered was perceived by the other"said the judge. One of the young victims of abuse died of a heroin overdose in 2014.

I also read: <A href = " Vatican-by-abuse-bad-20190215-0006.html "target =" _ blank ">The Vatican Apostolic Nuncio is the subject of an investigation for badual badault

Pell is the highest representative of the Catholic hierarchy to be convicted of badual abuse of minors. Until recently, I was responsible for the Vatican's finances.

This Wednesday, however, Judge Kidd insisted that it was Cardinal Pell and not the Vatican who had been sentenced.


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