They shoot at Arauz | Opinion


The international right, with its great conductor residing in Washington, he has aligned all his weapons to prevent the triumph of the duo Andrés Arauz(Photo)-Carlos Rabascall, calling on any resource. A sentence wrongly attributed to Donald trump“All options are on the table” is as old as the history of the thirteen former English colonies which became the United States of America when they became independent. In today’s world, one of those options, I would dare say the favorite in the era of “soft power” (which is as deadly or more deadly than the other), is the attack with the media artillery available on the right without a counterweight. We know, although we sometimes forget it, that it is never only a matter of a national political force but that it is always based on the global strategy. orchestrated by the White House, aware that to triumph in a national battle it must be installed on the great world geopolitical plateau where the United States can assert all its influence.

This introduction comes through the campaign that the Clarín newspaper in Buenos Aires launched against the figure of Andrés Aráuz. The most recent is a publication from his February 2 edition where he titled, in his usual style full of malicious ambiguities, that “In Ecuador, Rafael Correa’s candidate is said to have been vaccinated in Argentina with Sputnik V. ” Unidentified sources disseminated this unfounded version but aimed to provoke an adverse popular reaction to the strange “privilege” allegedly enjoyed by the UNES candidate, Union for Hope, in a country devastated by virus attacks due to the ineptitude shown in the face of the pandemic by the corrupt government of Lenín Moreno. I point out the “strange” thing because everyone knows that the Sputnik V vaccine requires the application of two doses, which Clarín’s note is careful to avoid. Therefore, not only does the fact that Aráuz’s subsequent contagion shows that he was not vaccinated in Argentina but also that he should have been a very clumsy person to be vaccinated with a dose of a vaccine which l efficiency requires a second application.

The most shameful thing about Clarín is the lack of contrast in the information when they mention the political consultant Amauri Chamorro “The link, according to the sources involved and belonging to the Movement of the Democratic Center, was the local political consultant Amauri Chamorro, who works within the armed campaign, and facilitated contacts with the Ministry of Health of Argentina.”

Chamorro immediately denied the version on his Twitter account, stating that: “According to @clarincom, I coordinated with Putin and Fernández to vaccinate @ecuarauz against # COVID19. I appreciate the “free press” but it is FALSE. Despite the fact that half of Argentina has my cell phone, Clarín has never contacted me to verify the information, which is common when the media lie.

In short, we are in the presence of yet another “fake news” designed to damage Aráuz’s image. The source of the news, according to the same newspaper, “was a speech, reproduced by sources who chose to preserve their identity and who participated in a meeting between the main authorities of the Movement of Democratic Centers”, an organization allied with the ‘ONE. Please note that no source identification, no double checking of information and not even the slightest care to take into account the chronology of events showing that Arauz was infected with the virus after having traveled to Argentina and having been immunized with Sputnik V. Nothing new under the sun: unfortunately the prostitution of the press organization hegemonic service in the service of imperialism and the great fortunes of our countries produces this type of “fake news” on a daily basis. And they do so because they are aware that a battle is being played out in Ecuador which, if resolved favorably for the progressive forces in that country, will strengthen the process of democratic recovery and national self-determination in another country of Ecuador. South America. Nothing less than that was the headquarters of UNASUR! Therefore, the only thing we can expect from the media hitman are attacks like this and all kinds of lies. Which means Arauz is a very good candidate. It is reconfirmed by the fact that he has against him the enemies that every honest and progressive politician must have in Latin America. And that’s why they shoot her figure at point blank range.


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