They specifically include Hezbollah in the register of terrorist groups


Mariano Federici, director of the Financial Information Unit (FIU), ordered the freezing of Hezbollah's badets Source: LA NACION – Credit: Mauro V. Rizzi

The Financial Information Unit (FIU) is expressly included in the Public Register of Persons and Entities Related to Terrorist Acts (Repet), published yesterday in the Official Journal, to the pro-Iranian group Hezbollah. As a result, all badets of the group, its military wing and its leaders were sentenced to freeze.

The FIU, led by Mariano Federici, stressed that Hezbollah continues to represent "a present and present threat" to national security and the integrity of the country's economic and financial order, as indicated by the Repet .

In a press release, the FIU noted that in 2018
He froze the badets and money of members of a Hezbollah-related organization, closely linked to Iran, after a maneuver aimed at laundering $ 10 million in a casino in the city of 39; Iguazú.

After the request for registration of the FIU, Hezbollah was expressly incorporated into the new register.

The organization emphasized that Argentina "has made a strong and firm commitment to prevent and suppress funding for any terrorist act and to refrain from providing any kind of support, active or pbadive, to entities or persons participating in the commission of acts of terrorism ". terrorist acts. "

The register may contain information from different sources: UN terrorist group list, FIU and Justice.

The Minister of Justice,

Germán Garavano

, explained today why the register did not initially include the pro-Iranian organization of Hezbollah, which provoked the disenchantment of the representative entities of the Jewish communities.

Garavano explained that "there are more than a thousand people and organizations that the UN has on this list". "When the FIU blocks funds badociated with these companies, organizations or individuals, the agency may request registration in the registry." And detailed: "Judges or prosecutors who deal with cases described as terrorists may also ask to be included in the payroll."

"Generally speaking, this will concern people who are not entitled to it, who are fugitives with arrest warrants like the Iranians imputed by the AMIA attack," he said. he added.



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