They spent 12 hours in the car helping their dog give birth to her puppies without feeling cold | the Chronicle


A family in the state of Texas, USA, went out of their way to ensure their dog could give birth in the best possible conditions, amid a heavy storm that left them without light. For this reason, they chose to spend 12 hours in their car with their pet until they had finished giving birth to their 7 puppies, protected from the cold thanks to the heating of the vehicle.

The bitch, called Maggie, was adopted by the family a long time ago, after being found on the streets and homeless at first by animal control in Fredericksburg, Texas.

Even though I was already pregnant, Aubrey morganMaggie’s adoptive mother didn’t hesitate for a second to take her up for adoption, so she confessed that she had to start researching how to raise a pregnant dog.

Maggie with her puppies

“I had read so much, seen so many YouTube childbirth videos and even raised a few dollars to buy everything I needed for the emergency and have it on hand during childbirth. .Morgan told US portal The Dodo.

In this sense, the woman pointed out that something she had read was “the importance of keeping puppies warm after birth”, because “If they are not hot, they cannot digest the food and pass out”.

Although prepared for the day the delivery could arrive, inclement weather caused power outages in the area and the Morgan House was no exception, just as Maggie was already preparing for childbirth.

It was then that when she gave birth to the first of the puppies, they tried to put her in the shower and warm them with the environment with the steam, but it was not enough, so they took the drastic decision to take him to the car. and spend twelve hours with her until she has finished giving birth to her seven children.

“Después de que naciera el cuarto, nos dimos cuenta de que, a pesar de nuestros esfuerzos, los cachorros seguían teniendo demasiado frío. Fue entonces cuando mi marido empezó a preparar el auto para Maggie y los cachorros. Maggie tenía sus tres últimos cachorros en the car”, Aunbrey Morgn recounted.

After giving birth to the seven puppies, the Morgans decided that it was best to go to Aubrey’s parents to keep them warm, as the light has still not returned to their house, and today they are healthy and in good health.


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