They spent a “fortune” on a dinner, gave two coins and the waiter scanned them on social media | the Chronicle


The server of a grill located in the Mexican state of Puebla have used their networks to show tip of 7 pesos Mexicans you received for a service over $ 2000. The essential worker shared the image in his stories of Instagram, but then it was Twitter which has gone viral.

In the photo of the ticket, which strategically hides the name and data of the customer, you can see the total spent on beers and pieces of meat on the grill: the bill was 2,193 pesos Mexicans. By converting it into Argentinian currency, dinner came out over $ 10,000 pesos, and the waiter should have benefited from a tip of about a thousand.

The tip does not exceed 1% of the total. (Twitter: @RupiReportero_)

Instead, on paper, the customer left two coins as a tip. The total of 7 pesos does not represent 1% of the total purchase. The image was shared on Twitter via a local portal, which reported on the situation at the restaurant.Your Cabrón“from the city of Cholula.

The image reveals the extravagant dinner of the guest, who enjoyed table of cheeses, seafood and glasses of tequila in addition to the famous Mexican meats before retiring, leaving behind the small tip. The users of the social network varied according to their opinions on the event: if some supported the waiter, others recalled that the tip is not obligatory, suggesting that the server be “Relax.

In the Latin American country, theirs are regulated in the Federal Consumer Prosecutor’s Office, legal document which specifies that the tip is a “gratification voluntary for the service”.

While establishments are prohibited from requiring a mandatory percentage, the text does not recommends that diners leave between 10 and 15% of the total consumption as a tip to the waiters.

On the other side, the most generous tips

Although this was not the case, other events occurred where customers recognized the trick played by the restaurants in front of the Coronavirus pandemic and they were more than generous with their tips.

In early June, a man paid $ 38 for two hot dogs at the Stumble Inn Bar and Grill, an American restaurant in New Hampshire. As a reward for service, the mysterious customer left the staff a tip of $ 16,000, an amount that exceeds 2,500,000 dollars in Argentine pesos.

The local team shared the generous sum equally.

The waiters, incredulous, took the ticket from the owner of the premises who could not believe his eyes either. “I thought it was a mistake, a typo“Confessed the woman.We went upstairs and thanked the customer. It’s been a really tough year for all of us“.

Another was the case of Emily bauer, a waitress who received a generous Christmas $ 2,000 tip. The guest, who also worked in the food industry, saw how hard the mother worked on one of the busiest days of the year and decided to leave her a gift.

After canceling his purchase, he left a note that said “Merry Christmas! Always hard work!“, next to the wad of bills. Although she had problems with the company because of a policy that did not allow tips over $ 500, the waitress was eventually able to bring the money back to the House.


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