They spot an animal that we thought was extinct – News


The Tasmania Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment released a report detailing eight sightings of a creature that is thought to have been extinct for more than 80 years old.

This is the Tasmanian Tiger, declared extinct eighty years ago. The last wolf or marsupial thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus) died in captivity at Hobart Zoo in 1936: his name was Benjamin. The species looked like a cross between a big cat, a fox and a wolf. He had yellowish brown hair, a powerful jaw and a bag for his baby like the kangaroo.

Among the eight sightings of the last three years, there is one of the Australian couple who visited the island of Tasmania in February and saw one of these creatures cross the road.

The animal "turned and looked at the vehicle several times and was in plain sight for 12 to 15 seconds. He had stripes on his back, "says the report. The two passengers in the car "are 100% sure that the animal that they saw was a thylacine".

Another report of the same month describes a "feline creature" crossing the fog in the distance, he reported. CNN. In 2017, another driver said he saw a possible tilacino in the northwest of the island. "It seemed certain that if it was a cat, it would be a very big one," says the report.

More recently, in July, a man from the south of the island, near Hobart, said he saw a footprint that seemed to match that of the Tasmanian tiger.

The animal was once present throughout Australia, but 3,000 years ago, the drought restricted it exclusively to the island of Tasmania. However, this information has once again questioned the possibility that he is still alive.


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