They stabbed a bus driver in Moreno and seven lines stop for 24 hours – 07/11/2018


A bus driver from line 501 was badaulted and stabbed on Tuesday in the Buenos Aires Moreno Party .

As reported by the delegate Pablo Fernández to Todo Noticias, the driver was attacked by two men around 22:30 Tuesday while he was doing his tour of the district Catonitas . Thousand-year-old armored thief at Villa Fiorito "src =" "data-big =" /ByltmJXXQ_290x290__1.jpg "data-small =" "observe =" "data-observer-function =" loadLazyImg "/>

The criminals stole it and in addition wounded it in the left arm and in the face with a stab .

The delegate, whose line operates in the La Perlita transport company, confirmed that the workers decided to strike of 24 hours so that the service will resume that at midnight this Wednesday .

The measure of force reaches the lines 288, 311, 312, 329, 422, 500 and 501 whose routes cover the areas of Moreno, Merlo and General Rodríguez

After several episodes of insecurity, the ch offers a meeting with Moreno 's security secretary and the police.

"We do not find it because sometimes mobile phones or staff (police) are missing," said Fernandez. [ad_2]
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