They started testing the Sputnik Light vaccine in Moscow …


The city of Moscow has started testing the single-dose coronavirus vaccine called Sputnik light, which could be used as a revaccination for Sputnik V or to generate initial protection against the virus for up to five months, authorities in the Russian capital reported.

“The first participants in the tests for the Sputnik Light coronavirus vaccine were vaccinated” on Saturday, said the city’s deputy mayor for social development issues, Anastasía Rákova. The manager recalled that any adult over 18 and without medical contraindications can participate in the trials.

Sputnik Light is a one-component vaccine that will protect against coronavirus for a period of 4 to 5 months, Sputnik news agency reported. Rákova had previously indicated that it is planned to verify the hypothesis that the replication of the vaccination makes it possible to obtain a sufficient level of antibodies to guarantee the protection of the human being.

“If this hypothesis is confirmed, then Sputnik Light can be used with Sputnik V to revaccinate vaccinated people, or apply Sputnik Light to people who, after suffering from coronavirus, have developed insufficient amounts of antibodies or if the level of the latter decreases, “said the official.

For his part, Alexandr Guintsburg, director of the Gamaleya Center, the body responsible for the development of the drug, said that Sputnik Light will be used in countries which are not able to develop their own vaccine and do not have sufficient resources to acquire the preparations. which are timely used, manufactured in other states This vaccine reduces the likelihood of severe coronavirus development, but does not rule it outGuintsburg clarified.


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