They successfully exploited Celeste in Cancun and could return to the country in 15 days


Celeste Cevasco is 27 years old

The family is relieved. Celeste Cevasco, the 27-year-old Argentina who fell from the first floor in Holbox, on the Yucatan Peninsula, was operated on a few hours ago in Cancún and the intervention ended successfully.

Daniel Cevasco, the father, contacted LA NACION and was nervous and relieved: the countdown that had begun since the end of the accident, stating that there was only eight days left (now four) for that Celeste be operated. that your hip does not weld badly. At first, the Mexican doctors told her that she could not be operated there, but that she had to be transferred to Argentina, otherwise she had to undergo rehabilitation in that country.

With this picture, the family found a huge dilemma:
they had to raise about $ 90,000 to pay for a medical plane or face expensive treatments in Mexico. Although Celeste contracted health insurance abroad, Euro American did not cover all costs.

The intervention of the Argentine Foreign Ministry, after the repercussion of the case on the national media, was essential. It was they who mediated for Celeste to be operated at the surgical sanatorium in Cancun. And as the father informed him, successfully.

It is not the final operation that will be necessary for my return to Buenos Aires; This is an intervention that will allow you to return to the country by first-line or higher-clbad aircraft in about 15 days.

"Celeste's operation ended a few minutes ago and everything went well, we have to wait eight hours as a precaution, in 10 or 15 days I could take a flight online to start all the operations because it was a palliative for us, and from the bottom of my heart I want to thank everyone because they cared about Celeste's health, "said Daniel crying, while keeping in touch with Liliana, the mother, who is with his other son in Cancun. accompanying Celeste.

Celeste's family lives in Almagro. Sunday at noon, they received a call from Rosi, the Mexican girlfriend of their daughter, who told them what had happened: Celeste came back from work and realized that She had forgotten the key. He wanted to enter the apartment, which is on the first floor, from the balcony. But in the process, he stumbled and fell into the void. It was in the way, with multiple fractures. The mother and the brother immediately went to Mexico where they are now, with Celeste who, despite the blows and the pain, never lost consciousness.

From there, they started the paperwork for the transfer, but they found it impossible to bring their daughter home for the amounts covered by the insurers. Daniel, who works in the transportation of goods, coordinates the operation with officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Celeste arrived in Mexico City on March 12th. A graduate in tourism, she spent the last year in Australia, where she worked in a large hotel chain. He had planned to return to this place in September, according to his father. In the meantime, he decided to move to Mexico, where he worked at another hotel. But since she did not have a contract, she paid herself for health insurance.

"He traveled with the cover corresponding to a Visa card provider, but once the 120 days pbaded, the validity of it has ceased, that they do not cover the transfer," father said on Monday. last, desperate for the impossibility of bringing back his daughter. She was finally operated on this morning and in a few weeks she will be able to go to the country to complete the treatment.




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