They successfully exploited the Argentine tourist who fell off a balcony in Cancun


celeste cevasco argentina mexico

After days of pain in a sanatorium where she was receiving painkillers, she was finally operated on in the last hours. "The operation went well. As a precaution, you have to wait eight hours and in 10 days you can board a plane and continue operations.", Daniel Cevasco, father of Celeste, told the media.

Celeste was operated at the Southern Surgical Hospital, in the Mexican tourist city.

The decision that the young graduate in tourism to have intervened "provisionally"it was taken by Dr. Limón, a traumatologist, who, along with the girl's family and the Argentine consulate authorities ",they agreed that it was the best because the condition of the hip, it was not treated immediately, would bother the future.

Regarding the question of expenditure, as reported Clarinan Argentine company would ask for about $ 75,000 to search for it in what is known as "medical repatriation". The amounts of Mexican companies providing this service exceed $ 100,000.


Moreover, the gesture of Daniel, the desperate father of Celeste, to make known the misfortune experienced by the girl has borne fruit. Cevasco opened an account at ICBC Bank and in less than 24 hours, about 400,000 pesos were collected. "I want to give every penny to people who have trusted what happened to my daughter.We must now think about how to manage the money, how much the sanatorium will charge us and the days that follow" he trusted


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