They successfully operated from the heart to King Juan Carlos: they placed three bypasses


Juan Carlos, 81, King Emeritus of Spain, was operated on the heart this Saturday at the Quirón University Hospital in Madrid, where his wife Sofia and his son, King Felipe VI, moved. At the monarch three bypbades have been implanted in an operation "without incidents", they indicated of the center of health.

"As usual in this type of interventions, the patient was transferred to the Intensive Control Unit for postoperative follow-up," said Lucia Alonso, chief executive of the hospital.

"Everything was perfect," said King Philip VI

"As you know, he is in the postoperative period. everything was perfectin the predictable time range. We are very happy with the medical team, the surgeon … When I can receive visitors, we will all be here, "King Felipe VI told the media.

Queen Emeritus Sofia said she was "very, very calm". "I was able to see it, but we do not know how it will be in the intensive care unit," he added.

The intervention that It was planned since last June, was carried out by the head of cardiac surgery of the hospital, Alberto Forteza. The next medical part is scheduled for Sunday morning at noon (7am, Argentinian time).

    King Felipe VI went with the Queen Emeritus Sofía to the hospital where his father, Juan Carlos, was operated. (Photo: EFE / Luca Piergiovanni).
King Felipe VI went with the Queen Emeritus Sofía to the hospital where his father, Juan Carlos, was operated. (Photo: EFE / Luca Piergiovanni).

"See you at the exit"

"We will see each other at the exit," declared the king emeritus Friday night upon his arrival at the center before his admission.

Is the seventeenth surgery Juan Carlos I, including the 2010 extraction of a "benign tumor" from the lungs, according to TVE.

The operations to which King Emeritus Juan Carlos of Spain was submitted (infographic: courtesy 20
The operations to which King Emeritus Juan Carlos of Spain was submitted (infographic: courtesy 20

Juan Carlos, who was for 38 years on the throne of Spain (1975-2014), he retired in June from public life, five years after abdicating in favor of his son Felipe.

Despite this, he continued to appear in public this summer, attending bullfights in Madrid or participating in a sailing regatta in Finland, two of his pbadions.


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