They sued and seized for 150 million dollars to Matías Garfunkel


They sued and seized for 150 million dollars to Matías Garfunkel Source: archive

Business man

Matías Garfunkel

He was sued and seized for $ 150 million in a case in which he is accused of alleged tax evasion by simulating a "gift" from his mother for 20 million US dollars.

Judge Gustavo Meirovich, in charge of Economic Criminal Court No. 8, found that the husband of

Victoria Vannucci

Garfunkel for fraud, as part of the case that reviews the alleged fraud of the payment of income tax corresponding to fiscal 2010, amounting to $ 29,451,971.39.

For justice, there are enough elements to suspect the exdueño of the kirchnerist media group 23 simulated the remittance of money from their mothers in order to avoid paying the


the amount corresponding to the patrimonial increase.

Meirovich has also ordered Garfunkel, based in the United States since 2016 after a series of controversies including the broadcast of images hunting wild animals in Africa, to continue the process freely. In case of guilt, the sentence would be from three and a half to nine years, the amount of escape rising to more than one million pesos.

They sued and seized for 150 million dollars to Matías Garfunkel
They sued and seized for 150 million dollars to Matías Garfunkel Source: archive

Oral trial for contraband of works of art

In parallel, it was learned yesterday that Garfunkel would go to court for smuggling and embezzlement in a case in which he had denounced his former lawyer, Adolfo Verra, and accused him of leaving the country without authorization customs and antiquities.

Meirovich, also responsible for this case,
He decided to proceed to an oral trial to deal with the complaint in court.

According to the documents, the businessman transferred to the United States three works: the oil "The Painted Bridge" or "Ladies of the Terrace", the artist William Russell Flint, worth $ 130,000; "Two Tapire FACE A FACE" by Rembrandt Bugatti, $ 30,798; and a comfortable "Vautheret" by Emile Jackes Rullmann, 627,615 dollars. Once in the north of the country, he participated in an auction in New York on June 13, 2013, where he sold the coins.

Despite repeated calls for investigation, Garfunkel decided to stay in Miami. On this basis, the judge decided in 2016 to seize it for 35 million dollars. The judge found that the employer would have removed the works of art and antiquities of the country without the corresponding authorizations of the customs or the AFIP, as well as justice. The work was the subject of a judicial seizure following a lawsuit filed by his former lawyer for non-payment of his professional fees.

In September 2017, AFIP seized 33 million euros for avoiding and withholding contributions from its employees in the group of twenty-three.


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