They sued Macri’s former finance secretary for irregularities in public debt placement – Telam


Former finance secretary Santiago Bausili, a member of the Cambiemos government, was prosecuted today for "negotiations incompatible with the civil service"

Former finance secretary Santiago Bausili, a member of the Cambiemos government, was prosecuted today for “negotiations incompatible with the civil service”.

Former finance secretary Santiago Bausili, a member of the Cambiemos government, was prosecuted today for “incompatible negotiations with the civil service” for participating in the procurement of the Deustche Bank as an intermediary in the placement of the public debt whereas he had worked in this bank until shortly before assuming the function of State.

The charge, without preventive prison, was dictated by federal judge Sébastin Casanello, who also ordered an embargo until the sum of 10 million pesos was covered., according to the decision accepted by Tlam.

The former finance secretary “agreed that, among other things, Deutsche Bank, an entity from which he had shares and others to receive, would be designated as an investment bank and would therefore receive 0.12% of the amount invested. . the numbers: $ 7 billion, ”Casanello said.

“The role occupied by Bausili goes beyond the formal framework – at the time of decision-making – of the administrative link between the coordinating body and the rector, because it has been slipped by the defense. Indeed, the nominee declared that he had constant meetings with (Luis) Caputo and that there they are discussing the conditions that the banks must present to be elected, ”the magistrate reads.

The court record shows that Bausili separated from Deustche Bank in 2016 and survived, until 2018, a payment plan agreed between the accused and the bank for his performance in the years leading up to his dismissal.

“Considering the employment relationship and the fact that Deutsche Bank had pecuniary obligations with Bausili which ended two years after his appointment to the civil service – as established by the law on public ethics – the latter should s ‘refrain from interfering in all matters they had with this company for at least three years,’ Casanello remarked.

In this sense, and as he had pointed out the prosecutor Federico Delgado When he asked for the investigation of the former official, the judge considered that “it is foreseen, with great clarity, that Bausili could not intervene in any matter related or related to his former employer before September 2021”, for which he concluded: “In other words, all actions carried out by the appointees, during this period, were prohibited by law”.

Federal judge Sebastián Casanello ordered that an embargo be imposed on him to cover the sum of 10 million pesos.

Federal judge Sébastin Casanello ordered that an embargo be imposed on him to cover the sum of 10 million pesos.

The evidence gathered in the case “demonstrates Bausili’s detachment from the high standards of ethics and transparency that his role imposes on him. The case analyzed goes beyond a simple conflict of interest. The appointee knew since his entry. in the civil service that he was prohibited from intervening in acts related to Deutsche Bank “added the judge.

More precisely, the former official was accused of having “been interested, in order to obtain his own benefit and that of third parties, while exercising, on the one hand, the functions of Undersecretary of the Finance Secretariat of the Ministry. of Finances and Public Finances of the Nation. , and later as Secretary of Finance of the Ministry of Public Finance of the Nation (later the secretariat came under the orbit of the Ministry of Finance of the Nation), in the administrative processes of designation and payment of the intervening banks in the placement of public debt securities ”.

These securities, he noted, were “issued by the Argentine State (as part of the restructuring of the public debt – Law 27 249-), from which the Deutsche Bank was postulated”.

The acting person of the accused, he said, “stems from the close link that unites him to this company”: he was director of the Latin American DCM area of ​​Treasury Solutions of this bank (between 2007 and 2016) and held shares in the said company. . On January 31, 2016, during its disengagement from Deutsche Bank, it received in installments a total of 13,025 shares of the entity, with a par value on the New York Stock Exchange of US $ 13.80 each, which have ended up being received during the month of September. 2018.

Deutsche Bank was directly chosen to intervene in the payments agreed in the so-called “Megachange II”, as defined by prosecutor Delgado with reference to the placement of public debt to pay the vulture funds under the Macri government.


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