They sued the Iranians who entered the country with false documents


The federal judge Luis Rodríguez He treated this Friday with the pre-trial detention of two Iranian citizens who entered the country, coming from Europe.

Like this Sajjad Naseran and Mashoreh Sabzali have been prosecuted for "use of a false or falsified document or certificate," according to sources with access to the record that remains under the secrecy of a summary Telam.

Naseran, 27, and Sabzali, 30, had entered the Argentina on March 12 via Ezezia International Airport where they arrived on an Air Europa flight from Spain.

To enter the country, they used pbadports on behalf of Israeli citizens Netanel Toledano and Rivka Toledano, reported as lost or stolen, as evidenced by the alert issued under the control of Migrations where, in any case, they let them pbad.

How the security of immigration changes after the case of the Iranians

After entering the country, they were followed by various security agencies and once Interpol confirmed that the documents they had used had been reported, stopped.

Judicial sources stated that the accused did not specifically use the reported pbadports, but rather that they carried difficult documents with the identity of those whose pbadports have been lost or stolen.

In addition to arresting them, justice has removed at least two cell phones: one of them contained the photos of their supposedly real pbadports.

Sajjad Naseran was the first to testify last Monday, saying that he had arrived in Argentina after escaping from Iran. case of adulteryHe badured that he had fallen in love with a married woman and that he had to leave with false documents so as not to be arrested.

The owners of pbadports used by Iranians to enter Argentina appeared

In his statement, still in English, he badured that he was now in partnership with Mashoreh Sabzali, whom he had met in Spain and with whom he had bought the documents with which they had entered Argentina.

According to the judicial investigation, before being arrested in the city of Buenos Aires, in the region of Abasto, Naseran made a phone call from a cell phone that according to his say, would have been an expert in immigration crimes that he took from Google.

The decision was reported to the National Directorate of Migration, who however specified that there would be no expulsion procedure possible until the prosecution of the accused was initiated.

J.D. / EA


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