They suggest to prevent dengue and zika transmitting mosquito bites


GUADALAJARA, Jalisco (Notimex) .- The epidemiologist of the Family Medicine Unit (UMF) no. 48 of the IMSS in Jalisco, Juan José Atilano García, recommended to those who travel to take preventive measures to avoid the bite of the mosquito transmitting dengue, zika and chikungunya

"It is important to repel parts exposed to the sun, even if we are doing ordinary activities such as eating.Preferably, wear long-sleeved shirts or shirts and cover the legs with clothes made of lightweight fabrics such as cotton or linen. " he says he goes on vacation to places where this mosquito and other insects carry him.

He adds that in rest homes or hotel rooms one can use inserts or other commercial repellents that are not very close to the bed.People under five, pregnant women or patients with chronic respiratory problems, such as asthma.

In these cases , he pointed out that 39; it is recommended to put repellent on the body and in the resting area, making sure He specified that although the repellent action of plants such as lemongrbad is prevalent, its presence in hotels and restaurants does not guarantee the absence of mosquitoes.

He explained that this plant is most effective applied as a liquid repellent on the body, product that is easily obtained in self-service stores, stores, pharmacies and even grocery stores at affordable prices. "Another recommendation for those who go on holiday in some way exposed to dengue, zika and chikungunya, is to consider the times when there are more mosquitoes." Usually they leave as soon as it's dark , it's their period of greatest activity. "

He added that if during the night people are already in their hotel room or rest, it is important to make sure that windows are closed and if the heat is excessive, use air conditioning.

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