They suspend a teacher in England for showing a …


A school in northern England apologized on Thursday and suspended a teacher for showing a cartoon of the Muslim prophet Muhammad in class. which sparked a protest movement.

“The school apologizes for using a totally inappropriate image in a recent religious studies lesson. It should not have been used,” said Gary Kibble, principal of Batley Grammar School, a public school in the West. Yorkshire.

The incident comes after a history and geography teacher, Samuel Paty, was murdered in France by a radicalized Chechen in October after showing caricatures of Muhammad to his students.

Islam, in its strict interpretation, prohibits any representation of the prophet.

The Batley Grammar School teacher “also expressed his sincere apologies,” Kibble said, noting that he had been “suspended” pending an “independent” investigation. “It is important that our children learn the beliefs and beliefs, but it must be done in a respectful and sensitive way,” he added.

Videos posted on social networks showed around 20 people demonstrating at the gates of the school, guarded by the police.

Law enforcement officials have claimed they have not made any arrests or imposed fines, despite the fact that protests are currently banned in the UK due to the coronavirus lockdown.

Sky News quoted a father as saying the cartoon was taken from the French satirical weekly Charlie hebdo, which sparked anger in the Muslim world when he reposted images deemed blasphemous last September.

This new publication coincided with the trial of the January 7, 2015 attack in Paris, in which 12 people died at the magazine’s headquarters, whose officials had received death threats for their publications of Muhammad caricatures.


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