They take three tons of garbage to Mount Everest


Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, has been challenged by hundreds of mountaineers throughout its history. The pbadage of so many mountaineers, who have reached the summit or not, He left a huge amount of waste in the heights, even corpses. To reduce the environmental impact of this natural monument, a team of volunteers undertook an arduous cleaning task., which has so far resulted in the elimination of three tons of waste.

As part of the Everest clean-up campaign, launched by the Government of Nepal, 14 people took up the challenge of recovering 10 tonnes of waste in just 45 days. "Our goal is to extract the maximum waste from Everest to make glory in the mountains.Everest is not only the crown of the world, but our pride," he said. said the head of the Nepal Tourism Department to the Hindu newspaper. Dandu Raj Ghimire

During the campaign, cans, tents, bottles, plastic, climbing equipment and even human excrement were removed. In addition four corpses were removed. Climate change melts the snow and glaciers of the mountain, exposing bodies of dead mountain climbers on the road. It is estimated that more than 200 have died since 1922when the first deaths were recorded. It is badumed that most bodies are still buried.

The cleaning team works in groups that collect waste when they go up to different bases of the mountain. A helicopter from the Nepalese army is also used to transport some of the waste found.

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In recent decades, the number of people who have been trying to climb Everest has increased dramatically, which has also generated an increase in waste left behind. The Government of Nepal, in addition to local communities, has been trying to address this problem for some time.

Since 2011, different measures are applied to recover the huge amount of waste that exists in the mountains. In addition to creating several waste management systems, in 2014, a deposit for mountaineers was also introduced, which is returned when he returned to the foot of the mountain with eight kilos of waste.

Mount Everest


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