they think the pool caused the disaster


It seems to reinforce the theory of the experts the story of a resident who called her husband moments before the collapse to tell him that she could see a crater in the pool from the balcony on the fourth floor from your apartment facing the sea. Then the line broke, said Mike Stratton, who was out of town at the time. His wife, Cassie, is among 156 people who have yet to be located.

read more: 2018 tech report found structural flaws

Greg Batista, a professional engineer who specializes in concrete repair and worked on the condo’s pool deck Surfside in 2017 said that the way the building fell indicates an initial collapse in the pool deck area. The retired structural engineer and building inspector Gene Santiago agreed this was a likely trigger and pointed to a 2018 inspection, first reported by The Herald, whichHe noted “significant structural damage” under the pool cover.

They hire a world famous specialist


The catastrophic collapse of the tower was due to the collapse of a structural column in the pool.  An international expert will study the case.

The catastrophic collapse of the tower was due to the collapse of a structural column in the pool. An international expert will study the case.

A Famous structural engineer whose company advised on major disasters such as the 9/11 terrorist attack at the Pentagon and the collapse of the Florida International University bridge now focuses on Thursday’s deadly collapse of Miami’s suburb of Surfside.

Allyn Kilsheimer, Founder and CEO of KCE Structural Engineers, was commissioned by the Town of Surfside to study the landslide of Champlain Towers South, which left at least nine dead and 156 missing. The company will also study the condition of the rest of the existing building and similar adjacent buildings., while offering geotechnical and original design assessments, according to a contract with the city signed this Sunday. The company will work with Meuser Rutledge Consulting Engineers, a specialist in geotechnical engineering, and other consultants and surveyors.

“While our consultation is ongoing, we will, if necessary, carry out a thorough assessment of the cause (s) of the collapse on the basis of the information provided ”, specifies the contract.

Kilsheimer, who is based in Washington DC, rSaturday, he toured the “limited, observable and exposed” areas of the underground garages of the Champlain towers East and North, where “He saw no visible evidence of major structural problems”according to a press release issued by the city. These buildings are located near the South Champlain Towers, but were not involved in the collapse.

Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett led efforts to relocate residents to the Champlain North Towers, located one block away and which he said were “essentially the same building in almost every way it collapsed.” The north tower was built in 1982, a year after the south tower, with the same plans as this one.Burkett said.

The Champlain Towers North Homeowners Association has informed the Town that will hire their own structural engineering company to investigate more thoroughly the building.

Surfside Commissioner Eliana Salzhauer told the Miami Herald that raising awareness Engineering work can change over time based on what experts find out. He said the hourly rate the company charges the city – $ 350 an hour, according to the contract – is reasonable given the company’s reputation around the world for responding to disaster areas.

“The best thing is that the city quickly recognized that it was necessary to look to the big ones,” he said. “I think this is a very good first step.”

Rescue work

Meanwhile, this Sundayor the number of deaths due to the collapse increased to nine after the discovery of four bodies, authorities reported, while More than 150 people are still missing, including nine Argentines.

“We find four other bodies among the rubble, as well as human remains “said the county mayor of Miami-Dade, Daniella Levine Cava, during a press conference, without taking into account the evolution of the number of missing, which was 156 at the end of the day.

None of the new deaths have been identified, but Levine Cava said “every effort is being made” to do so. as soon as possible.

Levine Cava said that they have “very frank conversations” with the familiescertainly yes They know we find remains and even that we find body parts, so they prepare for it ”.

As, Israeli and Mexican rescuers worked around the clock alongside their American colleagues to find survivors of this disaster.

The research is done without rest day and night, with two large cranes to carefully remove debris while rescuers patrol with trained dogs the ruins of the collapsed building in Surfside, near Miami Beach.

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