They threatened to get her off the plane because her dress was provocative


Four crew members approached the young woman while she was already seated in her place, who asked her to "cover herself" because she was wearing "offensive" and "inappropriate". The young woman recounted her experience in her social networks.

"They would remove me from the flight if I did not cover" because it was "offensive" and "inappropriate", she wrote in her profile, referring to her dress. "There were four flight attendants around me to take my luggage and get me off the plane", he added.

To integrate

Thomas Cook, who was flying from Bham to Tenerife, told me that they were going to leave the flight if I did not "hide" it because it was a "crime" and was "inappropriate". There were 4 crew members around me to pick up my luggage and get me off the plane.

– Emily O'Connor (@emroseoconnor) March 12, 2019

The girl was dressed in a black top and brown pants. The young woman was offended and annoyed by the reaction of the flight attendants they forced her to put the jacket of her cousin who was next to her, not to be expelled. According to his account, the crew did not leave his seat until he saw him put it on.

In addition, the young woman recounted that she had asked other pbadengers if someone was offusing their way to get dressed. "Nobody said a word," ensures instead, at the insistence of the flight attendants to put another garment, a man shouted the following: "Shut up pathetically and put on a jacket! ".

Following the great impact of the publication of the youth the airline Thomas Cook has decided to apologize through a statement, in which he expressed: "We regret to have disturbed Miss O. Connor.It is clear that we could have better handled the situation."

Finally, the company specified that it had a very strict clothing policy for men and women. Our teams have the difficult task of implementing this policy and they do not always do it well, "they said.


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