They thwarted a group that used masks with Messi's face to sell drugs


The operations were conducted in several houses located in the southwestern district of conurbano and allowed the detention of three subjects one of them of Paraguayan nationality, and the removal of about 1500 packages of cocaine ready for sale, several doses of marijuana, a homemade rifle called "tumbera", ammunition of different calibers, money, three masks of the Argentine star and a shirt of the selection.

authorities said the detainees were engaged in the sale of stupefaction and robbery in different parts of Almirante Brown and President Perón and for that they wore masks and thus avoided showing their faces.

07-14-2018 The group narco fell with football player masks (1) .jpeg

After a strenuous investigation, the troops identified the criminals and with the judicial support, mounted the agents who In the proceedings, the members of the Superintendency of the Capital Region of the San Vicente Departmental Headquarters participated, with the collaboration of President Perón's Subdelegation of Narcotics and the local Commissariat.

The detainees of 26, 30 (Paraguayan) and 32 years old, were at the disposal of President Perón's UFI No. 1 and Cañuelas Court of Guarantees No. 8, both employees of the Judicial Department of La Plata. 19659007] [ad_2]
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