They took the corpse of a relative with Covid-19 to monitor it at his home | the Chronicle


Relatives of a man who died from coronavirus stole the corpse from the hospital and took him home to watch him because they were suspicious of the doctors’ version.. The incident took place in the municipality of Fundación, north of Magdalena, Colombia.

According to the local Alert Paisa website, relatives of the deceased, identified as Ramon Eliecer Quintero, they alleged that at the San Rafael health center they let the patient who, according to the medical report, was affected by Covid-19 die.

The statement caused displeasure with the family, who claimed he had been a patient with respiratory problems for 14 years. The daughter of the deceased assured that they had decided to take him out of the morgue because they did not believe at the time of death, as the body was in a state of decomposition..

According to the woman, on entering the health center, she found the body of the 59-year-old man in a room, along with another person who had allegedly received medical treatment, wearing an oxygen mask, for which they claim did not. not have visualized. oxygen cylinders.

For its part, San Rafael hospital rejected vandalism who came to the health center, and did so through a statement in which they indicated that Quintero, who remained abandoned by members of his family, was receiving the necessary medical care.


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