They tortured their little son to death because he told them that he was gay


The parents of anthony nene gar murdered.jpg

  Seized his son because he told them that he was gay

Seized his son because he was telling them that he was gay

The fatal death of the boy took place on June 21st. According to the survey, the boy was beaten on the floor with a belt and a rope they also put hot sauce in his mouth.

Moreover, he was burned with cigarettes and he was forbidden to use the toilet. It was also revealed that his eight brothers were to control that Anthony was only standing or kneeling

"He was unconscious lying on the floor of his room for hours, he did not receive any medical attention and I could eat alone " said Jonathan Hatami Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles.

For his part, the deputy director of the Department of Child and Family Services revealed to The Sun that the 10-year-old boy had confessed to his mother that "he loved children ".

According to reports, when the doctors examined it, they found brain trauma and cerebral hemorrhage . His eyes were red and his body was full of bruises, cuts and scrapes.

Anthony's brothers, between 11 months and 12 years old, are now under the care of Californian authorities.

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