They tried to burn an iconic New York cathedral | Chronic


New York police arrested a 37-year-old man who was trying to enter St. Patrick's Cathedral in the United States with two boxes of naphtha and matches. The event took place in the middle of the Holy Week and following fires described as accidental in two iconographic churches of the world: the immense church Notre-Dame of Paris and the other small church of St. John the Divine in Manhattan.

The official Twitter account of the New York City Police Department reported that the subject had entered the Fifth Avenue Church at approximately 7:55 pm and was subsequently arrested by the Anti-Terrorism Police Bureau. "without incident"

Around 7:55 pm, a man entered Manhattan's St. Patrick's Cathedral with gas bottles and a lighter fluid. He was subsequently apprehended by @NYPDCT without incident. We thank our partners for their help and remember – if you see something, say something.

April 18, 2019

The detainee, identified as Marc Lamparello, coming from neighboring New Jersey, is an old acquaintance of the police. He has already been arrested twice in his city for illegal entry and public drunkenness, the sources added.

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In addition, he even spilled naphtha before being caught by an agent, according to John Miller, a member of the New York Police. However, the inmate tried to justify his decision and said that he was running out of fuel, which the police denied by checking the vehicle and checking otherwise.

Marc Lamparello was arrested at the doors of the cathedral.

The police initially recovered two red cans each containing about four liters of fuel. A third was then found inside Lamparello's truck. After watching the surveillance video, the authorities determined that Lamparello was parked in front of the church around 6.30pm. He entered the church about 90 minutes later.

<img alt = "The Cathedral of Saint Patrick in New York. "data-height =" 419 "data-size =" w: 2400, h: 1350 "data-width =" 745 "hspace =" 5 "src =" sites / cronica / img / 2019/04/18 / catedral.jpg_366287663.jpg "title =" The Cathedral of Saint Patrick in New York. "vspace =" 5 "/>

"It is difficult to say exactly what his intentions were, but I think that all the circumstances in which an individual walks in an iconic place like St. Patrick's Cathedral, where there are gasoline, lighters and lighters is a source of worry "said Miller.

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The incident is "very suspicious"Especially that it's just two days after the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris," said Miller during a dialogue with the New York Post.


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