They tried to take a selfie on a boat and fell: 7 dead – News


The accident, in which at least seven people drowned, happened on Saturday in Boyolali Regency, when About 20 passengers suddenly gathered at the side of the small ship to take a group photoJava Police Chief Ahmad Lutfi said.

“The cause of the accident was the excess” of passengers on board, Lufti told reporters, AFP reported.

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And he explained that “all 20 people took a selfie over the rail on the right (starboard) side, and the boat lost its balance and capsized“Round the clock.

The police source said that 11 people were rescued, but seven drowned, Y two others were still missing and rescuers are still looking for them.

Authorities will investigate to determine if there was negligence on the part of the race organizers.

According to the police chief, a 13-year-old was in charge at the time of the tragedy.

Boating accidents are very common in Indonesia, an archipelago in Southeast Asia made up of some 17,000 islands, due to the lack of rigid safety measures.

In April, rescue services attempted to help 17 fishermen in an emergency after two boats collided in West Java.

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Three fishermen were found dead and 13 were still missing when the search ended.

And in January last year, 10 people were reported missing when a boat carrying 20 migrant workers to neighboring Malaysia sank off the island of Sumatra.


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