They unveiled the mystery of the "belly of the bear" that drove them crazy on Twitter | Chronic


A journalist from the Canadian network CBC, Kate McKenna, discovered how he had managed to draw the navel in the center of the huge belly without leaving any trace in the snow.

L & # 39; hypothesis:

The artist jumped to where the navel is located:

On this theory, the main criticism is that the dimensions of the bear are quite large and that the subject had to jump more than 2 meters between the lateral lines of the drawing and the belly button.

They did it with the use of a drone:

With a drone, you can throw a snowball in the center of the drawing. However, it is believed that these unmanned vehicles can not withstand temperatures of -20ºC in Canada.

With a hockey stick:

The length of the adult hockey stick is one and a half meters. You can thus reach the belly button from his side line with the help of a stick and arm outstretched. The eyebrows also seem made with the help of a stick.

The holes that form the navel appeared before the bear:

This theory badumes that the bear was shot in the night of January 29 to 30 but that day it snowed until 5:00 in the morning.

If the navel had appeared before the rest of the drawing, it would probably have been filled with snow at the end of the snowfall.


Until this version was suggested by the users but the possibility of strangers was not taken into account. The journalist, jokingly, concluded that this hypothesis could not be ruled out either.

The revelation:

According to CBC News, its editors have contacted Valérie Duhamel, the author of the great drawing. "Yes, the navel is five balls of snow thrown in the same place"said the woman, adding that she was not expecting his bear to hold as much media attention.

Several netizens who followed the mystery of the bear in the snow rented Duhamel's shooting ability.

"It can not be !!! It's the real goal", Wrote a Twitter user.

"This woman must seriously explore the possibility of becoming a competitive pitcher", Posted another account.

"Wow, that's what I did not expect, because it requires a constant shooting skill., Said another Internet user.

Meanwhile, from the body that runs the Lachine Cbad, on whose surface the bear was drawn, they reminded reporters that it is forbidden to walk on the frozen waters of the cbad in winter.

I also read: The mystery of the "navel of the bear" that is all the rage in social networks


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