They updated the value of the DNI and the passport: what are the new prices?


In this way, starting in August, the DNI will cost $ 300 and the Pbadport will cost 1,500 pesos. According to Renaper data in Argentina 98% of citizens already have their numeric identification, which has a validity of 15 years, now the focus is on the population that n? has not yet been able to access his document

In order to promote the implementation of the digital IDN, the federal documentation plan will arrive with trucks, vans and pickup trucks and crates. take away to the most remote and difficult places of access.

At the present time, at the present time more than 60% of the documents processed concern renewal, loss or change of address. In several cases with citizens who have already done more than 30 times having to design a new nomenclature, surpbading the "Z" copy.

Regarding the pbadport, the state will stop subsidizing all its production and shipping, the time that is invested in the new technology for the production of a new digital copy

In addition , the Argentine pbadport with a validity of 10 years, will continue to be one of the most economic in South America ($ 150 per year), with a lower value in Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil.

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