They urgently operate on a young man who wanted to measure his penis with a USB cable


Emergency physicians around the world have recorded all kinds of clinical cases in which someone introduced a foreign object into his body with the corresponding consequences. In the UK, they recorded a singular one when a teenager tried to measure the length of his penis using a USB cable.

The anonymous 15-year-old from London was driven by his sexual curiosity and decided to do an experiment of insert the USB cable into your penis to measure its length. However, he failed when the thread got stuck in his scrotum.

He tried to remove it himself, but the USB cable became more tangled, leaving both ends hanging down from his penis. Finally, the young man had to go to the emergency room and He ended up undergoing emergency surgery to remove the USB cable. Her case was detailed in the article titled “Urethral Self-Insertion of a USB Cable as Sexual Experimentation: A Case Report”, which was published in the medical journal Urology Case Reports with the shocking images.

The teenager’s parents were forced to take him to the emergency room after urinating blood because of the USB cable stuck in his penis. Hospital staff were unable to remove him at first, so the boy was transferred to University College Hospital in London for the necessary surgery.

Shocking x-ray image.

Shocking x-ray image.

Doctors had to cut the bulbospongiosis muscle, the area between the genitals and the anus, to remove the USB cable. But they couldn’t get the knotted part of the wire through this cut before removing the remaining pieces of the electrical wire. Fortunately, the boy did not need any further treatment and was released the next day.

Experts wrote in the newspaper that the teenager requested to be examined without his parents. But he said the boy showed no evidence of a psychiatric disorder and called the cause of the incident “experimentation.”

The USB cable they took from the young man.

The USB cable they took from the young man.

“This was another case of sexual curiosity which resulted in a difficult urological emergency, effectively managed with open surgery and without short-term complications,” they wrote.

The teenager had to return to the hospital after two weeks for a follow-up exam and will require more monitoring in the future. Doctors warn putting objects into penis through urethra is risky behavior that could cause bladder hole, urinating blood and painful erections.

Sources: Antena3 and ABC.


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