They use the strategy of the Los Sauces cause in the trial for the tragedy of Austral | Chronic


The lawyers who represent 15 family members of the 74 victims of the tragedy of the australian plane that took place in the Uruguayan city of Fray Bentos in 1997 asked the Federal Oral Court (TOF) 5 d & rsquo; Bring the five accused absent at the start of the trial two weeks ago, on the basis of the same argument that this one had invoked in the Los Sauces case, when he had requested his return in the country Florencia Kirchner, who is in Cuba after medical treatment.

"With regard to the defendants, the applicant requests that, if the journalistic versions that reflect the requests of the court concerning the defendant Florencia Kirchner in the case of Los Sauces, apply the same criteria", says the letter signed by the lawyer Maria Silvina Rumachella.

The accused who were absent on the first day of the trial were: Javier Loza de la Cruz, the former president of Indra Javier Monzon, Roberto Pignato, Casimir Astrada Ladron from Guevara and Hugo Adibout of a total of 35 who has the cause.

I also read: <a href = " Cubauntil april 20190403-0033.html "target =" _ blank ">Florencia Kirchner is allowed to stay in Cuba until April 15

Loza de la Cruz and Monzon are in Spain, Pignato in Italy, Ladrón de Guevara in the province of La Rioja and Abdid in an undetermined place in Argentina, according to their lawyers at the first hearing of the process.

The trial began on Tuesday, March 26, almost 22 years after the October 1997 crash of the plane that flew the Posadas-Buenos Aires route.

I also read: <a href = " Southern-which-had-survivors-20190326-0093.html "target =" _ blank ">"We discovered the existence of Crónica TV, which said that they were all dead, and of Austral that there were survivors"


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