They used the food as ‘bait’ to lure a starving woman and mass rape her | the Chronicle


For a long time in the India the mass rapes son “common currency”, with defenseless victims and aggressors who dispose of the victims as they please, given the weak intervention of the justice system.

On this occasion, a 22-year-old woman was allegedly gang-raped in an ambulance after being “attracted to food”, as reported The time of India, citing police sources. The criminal act took place last Monday in the city of Jaipur (state of Rajasthan).

After receiving a claim from the injured party, the local police succeeded in establishing that the driver of an ambulance, along with an accomplice, had seduced the victim by promising him something to eat. When they grabbed the woman in the car, took her to a secluded place and raped her, as specified by Officer Surendra Pancholi.

The victim underwent a medical examination to assess his state of health. As for the suspected criminals, the two they have already been arrested and are currently in detention.


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