They vandalized the tomb of Víctor Jara | The very day the Chilean singer-songwriter would have turned 89


Chilean singer-songwriter Víctor Jara’s grave has been vandalized by strangers at the Santiago General Cemetery, the very day of the 89th birthday of the popular artist assassinated by the military dictatorship (1973-1990) from Chile on September 28, 1973.

The fact was denounced by the mayor of Recoleta, Daniel Jadû, and for the Victor Jara Foundation, who posted images of the grave showing signs of being hit by blunt objects that shattered the grave platform. “It is no coincidence that the sacrilege is committed on the very day we celebrate the artist’s birthday and, in addition, we celebrate the inauguration of an avenue in his name”the organization said in a statement.

“Es una respuesta fanática a la commemoración, una represalia de mentes fascistas that, crecientemente, están recurriendo al vandalismo para destruir murales, mosaicos y otras muestras con que el pueblo manifiesta su cariño por Víctor Jara y por des quienadienes” the foundation.

“Victor lives! “

For his part, Jadue denied the fact on his social networks, where he posted a photograph showing the damage next to the flowers left by Jara’s admirers after the commemoration of his birth. “We reject those hateful actions that only those who deny human rights violations past and present harbor. Victor lives!, released the former presidential candidate.

The vandalism of Jara’s grave was also denounced by the General Cemetery itself and drew widespread rejection on social media, according to local media. This is the third time that the tomb of Jara, author of iconic hymns such as “I remember you Amanda”, “El Arado”, “The right to live in peace” and “A deslambrar”, has since been vandalized. the end of 2019 According to the Bio Bio Chile portal, similar events occurred in January 2020 and March 2021.

“We are concerned about the intolerant, violent and xenophobic attitudes occurring with impunity in our country. The destruction of Víctor Jara’s grave is a sign of this fascist violence”added the foundation. They also condemned the attack on social media. “This most miserable people, Víctor Jara, will live forever in the songs and struggles of the people.
In 1973, they wanted to silence him and he is still more alive than ever. Today, they want to channel his grave and only manage to enlarge his legend, ”wrote one Twitter user.

Avenue Victor Jara

That same day, in the area of ​​the central station in the center of the Chilean capital and after a decade of treatment, the renaming of a section of public road with the name of the legendary singer-songwriter has been formalized when the city council of the central station decided to change the name of Avenida Ecuador to Avenida Víctor Jara. The initiative enjoyed broad public support, with 87 percent of residents on that street supporting the decision. The measure has also received support from the University of Santiago.

“This recognition and the fact that we have a street called Víctor Jara, next to our university, is something that fills us with pride and we will honor it accordingly”Said the rector of the University of Santiago, Juan Manuel Zolezzi, quoted by the Sputnik agency, who also reported that hundreds of people gathered at the intersection of Avenida Víctor Jara with Enrique Kirberg, next to it. of the USACH, to pay tribute to the singer. -songwriter.

“There is a recognition of Victor’s memory. We hope it can be validated in this sense. Victor Jara was a great person from a cultural point of view and his contribution to art. He became director. of Arts and Communication at the university, “Zolezzi said. “In this sense, he traveled all over the country broadcasting his music, but also all the politico-cultural projects that the university had”he added, quoted by the Sputnik agency.

89 years old

Born on September 28, 1932 in a family of peasant parents, Víctor Jara has become one of the main references of the New chilean song during the 1960s and early 1970s. The musical movement drew inspiration from the country’s urban and rural popular culture, as well as Latin American rhythms, to explore the creation of works engaged in social processes.

Internationally recognized and recognized Jara has also taught at the State Technical University, now the University of Santiago de Chile. He also established himself as an actor and theater director at the School of Theater of the University of Chile. He has received numerous awards and has also led musical groups such as Quilapayún.

During Salvador Allende’s government (1970-1973), Jara assumed a militant commitment that he translated with particular dedication in his work. After the September 11 coup that overthrew the socialist executive and killed the president, Jara was arrested at the State Technical University and then assassinated the same month at the Stade du Chili, which today wears his name.

To commemorate the birth of the Chilean musician, the fourth edition of the Víctor Jara Art and Memory Festival. This year the meeting was broadcast on social media and featured the participation of actor Daniel Alcaíno and artists such as Nano Stern, Isabel and Tita Parra, Roberto Márquez.


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