"They want to see me dead," "I did not go to the police station with a rifle," "the United States asked for my arrest" and other phrases from Luis D 'Elia


Luis D & Elia resists his detention, sentenced by the take of the police station of La Boca in 2004, and defended himself with a long chronicle of his radio program. The chief piquetero K aimed against the government of Mauricio Macri, Federal Justice, opposition to Venezuela and the United States. True to his style, he defended the leader of the Chavista regime Nicolás Maduro and Néstor and Cristina Kirchner. He felt that "because of his health problems in case of arrest, he should be placed under house arrest and recalled a cable of Wikileaks in which the American ambbadador of the time was doing reference to his judicial situation.

"What they do not want, is to see me imprisoned but dead," accused the leader, who had a visible scar on his chest and explained that he had been operated on the heart three years ago and had undergone three bypbades. "I had a heart attack in my heart, which works at 70%, I am also dependent on insulin and I take ten meds a day." The doctors said, "He can not be a prisoner, he is a prisoner. home prison with a radius of 100 kilometers to go, it can work in the morning, "said the leader, and linked the government to the arrest warrant.

Last week, Chamber III of the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cbadation dismissed the appeal filed by the defense against the sentence of 3 years and 9 months imprisonment pronounced in November 2017 for taking the police station In addition, he ordered the Federal Criminal Court 6, in charge of the process, to order "immediately the sentence imposed". The seizure took place to protest the clarification of the crime of social militant neighborhood Martín "Oso" Cisneros.

"It was not a shot, it was a manifestation. I did not go to the police station with a rifle. There is not a single witness who saw me hitting anyone or stealing anything. In fact, they installed the lie that we stole a painting of Benito Quinquela Martín that does not exist, "he said in his program Rebel Radio.

The leader accused the United States of being behind his arrest and mentioned the 1222 cable from Wikileaks, one of the confidential diplomatic communications revealed by the organization Julian Assange. "The US ambbadador of the time, Vilma Socorro Martínez, said: & # 39; They are imprisoned by Elia, I asked Mauricio Macri (at the time, the head of the government of Buenos Aires) to put D & # 39; Elia in prison and make the protest of La Boca police station a pretext. "

The telegram indicates that the diplomat told the Mayor of Buenos Aires that he was aware of the legal situation of D & Elia and that he had been fired "despite the solid evidence against him, including video footage. "According to Macri, he replied that it was" a perfect example of how the judicial system is likely to intimidate "and that this decision would be appealed.

"The United States decides in our country who must be imprisoned and who does not, they meddle in internal affairs, they persecute political opponents, it is a shame and a disaster", a- he criticized.

He also rejected the strong support of the United States to the President of Venezuela. Juan Guaidó, against the Maduro regime and felt that Donald Trump "failed" in the Caribbean country and accused him of wanting to "steal" oil. "Yankis are going home, yanki thief," he said.

He felt that the Venezuela Aid Live recital "It was a piece of paper," as part of the presentation made last Friday in the Colombian city of Cucuta on the other side of the border, to raise funds to counter the humanitarian crisis. "They organized a festival at the border and missing the main artist, Peter Gabriel, who has shown solidarity with Maduro and the Bolivarian Revolution, "he said.

He also said that aid trucks that had managed to enter Venezuela had been set on fire by the "Venezuelan Right" and described Guaidó as "a fool" who remained on the Colombian side of the border. "Now they do not leave it in Venezuela, it's funny, it seems that Carlitos Balá ", considered.

Regarding the eight indagatorias a Cristina Kirchner for reasons of bribery and bribery, particularly in the case of bribe notebooks, he complained that Judge Claudio Bonadio quoted him on the day when Former president, deceased in 2010, would be 69 years old. Aiming against Marcelo D'Alessio, the lawyer who is in detention, accused of having asked for 300 000 dollars of bribes in the name of Stornelli to dissociate agricultural entrepreneur Pedro Etchebest from the cause of the cahiers des pots-de-vin wine. D'Alessio himself said that the prosecutor "had nothing to do" with the alleged extortion.

"The only witness is D'Alessio, enough boys, it's disgusting, & # 39; Comodoro PRO & # 39; It smells rotten, nauseating, it's a sewer. It's a pity, the birthday of Néstor Cristina must be submitted to eight inquiries. They want to remove it from the field, " on the potential candidacy of the senator for the presidency in this year's elections. "Behind all this is the US ambbadador, Edward Prado, whom I hold responsible for the persecutions," he said. "There is an Argentinian who does not shut up, I will not shut up, neither prisoner nor death … Long live the country, Cristina, Maduro!" S & # 39; he exclaimed.


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