“They wanted his body and took his soul”: a soldier committed suicide after being gang-raped by his companions


Morgan robinson He was 21 when he took heart and made his decision: decided join the us army, something she dreamed of since she was very young.

She spent six years in the National Guard, until news reached her in 2016: she would be transferred for the first time out of her country, to Kuwait. However, there the nightmare began.

It’s Debbie Robinson, her mother, telling her story, because Morgan can’t: she committed suicide after being raped by her peers, and his family complains that the military has done nothing about it.

Morgan Robinson's dream was to join the United States Army.  Photo: family document

Morgan Robinson’s dream was to join the United States Army. Photo: family document

“When I was in Kuwait, one of her superiors sexually assaulted her and he continually harassed her, “Debbie told US network CBS. As she explained, at that point Morgan filed the corresponding complaint, but “nothing happened”.

In the middle of this posting, Morgan was sent to Afghanistan. And history repeated itself: according to her mother, she was raped again, this time in herd, by several of his companions.

The US military in the crosshairs.  Photo: EFE

The US military in the crosshairs. Photo: EFE

“I was very scared because they threatened her. Moreover, he knew that his complaint wouldn’t go anywhere. Nothing happened in Kuwait with sexual assault and stalking, so why would they do anything in Afghanistan? Debbie wonders.

The result is shocking: in 2018, Morgan committed suicide. This came just months after James Mattis, then Secretary of Defense, claimed he had zero tolerance for sexual assault. “If losses on the battlefield are a reality of war, we will not accept losses due to sexual assault in our military family“, he assured.

Coverage and demand for justice

The truth is, months after all this Debbie asks Justice for his daughter. “She was doing a job she loved, and she was doing it for her country. And to think that’s what took her life, that’s what broke her … They wanted his body and they took his soulHe points out.

"They wanted his body and they took his soul"Morgan Robinson's mother says.  Photo: Family document

“They wanted her body and they took her soul,” Morgan Robinson’s mother said. Photo: Family document

For the moment, none of the culprits appear. And, according to Debbie, an attempt is made to cover up everything that happened: she accessed the documents of the official investigation after her daughter’s suicide, and several paragraphs have been processed.

What is he saying there? “Sergeant Robinson suffered a sexual, physical and psychological trauma during deployment. The after-effects of this trauma were a factor in his death, ”revealed CBS, specifying that the army was aware of everything.

The military are responsible for his death, because of the way they didn’t deal with what happened. They cannot control themselves. How to inquire about yourself? It’s not possible, ”said Debbie, who is also fighting for profound change in these cases.

"The military are responsible for his death"Debbie Robinson spoke out.  Photo: AP

“The army is responsible for his death,” said Debbie Robinson. Photo: AP

What has been the only determination made by the military during all this time? Eight months after Morgan’s suicide, his order issued a reprimand in writing to the officer who assaulted her in Kuwait.

Now the army promises to carry out a “full investigation” and take appropriate action against the alleged perpetrator. The crime, meanwhile, remains impose.

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