They wanted to kill a dog with a piece of poisoned bread, but two little brothers ate it: one died and the other is seriously ill | the Chronicle


The event happened last Friday, June 25, in the community of Saint Anthony, belonging to Panoramic San Pedro, which is located in the mountainous region of Veracruz, one of the most marginal in the Mexican state. A 5 year old girl named Adriana He was starving and grabbed a piece of bread which he found lying in his garden. His 7-year-old brother, Jacobo, He couldn’t help but taste it, and within seconds they both started to have convulsions. The girl died before arriving at the hospital.

Jacobo is in serious condition in a hospital Veracruz, fighting for his life. His mother, Hermila Gutierrez, explained that the minors played with their 11-year-old sister in the yard of the house. It was she who told him that her little brothers were eating bread that someone had left behind. When her father went to see what was going on, they were already convulsing.

Both were transferred to Valentín Gómez Farías Hospital in Coatzacoalcos, but Adriana did not survive the trip. She arrived with almost no vital signs and the doctors declared her dead. Meanwhile, 7-year-old Jacob has so far declared himself serious.

The mountainous area of ​​Veracruz is extremely marginal.

The reasons why the bread was poisoned are unknown, but Hermila is convinced that someone threw this bread at her house in an attempt to kill the dog, as on more than one occasion they had already tried to kill him. Veracruz prosecutor’s office began the investigation file to find the culprit of these events. In the meantime, the hospital has asked the population to cover the funeral costs of the young girl.


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