They warn millions of Covid-19 vaccines could expire in the United States


The Wall Street Journal warned on Tuesday that the United States was working against the clock to prevent the expiration of millions of the Johnson & Johnson laboratory’s Covid-19 vaccines.

Citing sources who participate in the vaccination campaign, an article published in this financial media explained that the vast collection of doses carried out by the country could cause the loss of millions by the end of this month.

For this reason, Joe Biden’s administration is trying to boost vaccination in the country or localize these vaccines in other countries, a fact that seems unlikely given that he only has just over 20 days.

According to the media, one of the factors explaining this fact is the suspension of the use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine against Covid-19 arranged last April by the United States to assess whether its application involved a possible risk of contracting a disease. thrombosis.

The accumulation of cases of people presenting blood clots after being vaccinated led the federal government to make this decision in order to conduct new studies on the drug J&J.

This fact forced the suspension of thousands of positions that were not reprogrammed later, when the use of the drug was finally authorized by the federal administration, and to replace the vaccinations with doses from the Pfizer and Moderna laboratories, which are also produced in this country.

For example, the Wall Street Journal notes that the state of Philadelphia has 42,000 doses that expire at the end of the month, while Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Oklahoma and Arkansas are experiencing similar situations.

The White House highlighted the administrative and logistical difficulties associated with placing and transporting these vaccines to destinations other than those for which they were originally intended.

The number of vaccines that are at risk of spoiling is currently unknown, but production experts say doses may remain effective past expiration dates, something that was unknown during the manufacturing phase.


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