They warn of millionaire fraud from three money investing platforms


At the beginning of this year, Giaroli opened an investigation which still has neither accused nor complaints of those concerned, and which has already passed under the orbit of federal justice because it is a crime of fraud, in a system of investing money that arose months a few years ago in San Rafael, but quickly spread to Mendoza and several Argentine provinces.

The most popular and the one that alone has achieved the entry of more than 45,000 people in San Rafael, according to its leaders, is the limited company Ganancias Deportivas, which from its online platform demands a contribution of 100 euros to enter, plus the purchase via bitcoins of investment packages of different values ​​to bet on football matches, which yields a profit of 20% per month and 240% per year.

At a press conference from the San Rafael judiciary building, the prosecutor assured that “both pyramid schemes and Ponzi schemes (a form of scam that attracts investors and pays profits to previous investors with (newer investor funds) will collapse, “and listed the evidence proven in the investigation that” there is a trick, a deception for people who put their money into it. “

Among the indications, he reported that the manager of Sports Gains in San Rafael, Javier Villegas, “never presented the requested legal information, but only the registration of a company in Costa Rica whose share capital does not pupil only about 100 euros; they promise to pay illogical and exuberant 20% interest per month, because it tries to attract the unwary; and they are neither registered with AFIP nor in any co-tool state body ”.

Regarding the number of associates and the volume of profits they manage, he said that “these are just numbers they know given that there is zero quality information and therefore, although it is mathematically proven, the collapse cannot be predicted “.

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