They warn that in Argentina, the super contagious strain “Gamma”, which emerged in Manaus, predominates


the Ministry of Health confirmed this Wednesday June 23 that throughout the Circulation of the gamma coronavirus variant predominates in Argentina, originally identified as the Manaus strain.

According to the 1,077 samples of people with no travel history to an international destination sequenced by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (INEI) – ANLIS “Dr. Carlos Malbran”, the most widespread variants in all regions of the country are: Manaus (Gamma) with 41%; the Andes (Lambda) with 37% and the British (Alpha) with 14%.

The analysis indicated that nationwide – of the total samples sequenced – about 52% correspond to worrisome variants. Given the predominance of new strains, the aim is to speed up the vaccination process, but the lack of second doses complicates the regimen. On the other hand, from January to June 14, the genomic sequencing of 248 samples of travelers entering the country and that they have had positive results.

COVID-19: Why the Manaus strain is spreading so fast

In 89 cases, the Variant of gamma concern among travelers from Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Paraguay. In 55 cases where the variant of Alpha (UK), the travelers came from the United States, Mexico, Spain, Bangladesh, Panama and Paraguay. In addition, to date it has been recorded a single case of the Beta variant (South Africa) at a traveler from Spain.

In regards to The Delta (India) variant was a passenger from the United States. This variant is the one that worries the world the most at the moment because of its incidence in India and now in Europe. They consider it the most deadly and the most transmissible than the previous ones.

According to the percentage distribution of samples corresponding to Priority and non-priority variants among travelers, 36% corresponds to Gamma; 22% to Alpha; 6% to Lambda, while 28% to non-priority variants.

What do we know about the super-contagious “Gamma” strain, which emerged in Manaus

  • According to researchers at the Brazil-UK Center for the Discovery, Diagnosis, Genomics and Epidemiology of Arboviruses (Cadde), this strain of Manaus, called P.1., Is “Between 1.4 and 2.2 times more transmissible than the strains that preceded it”, as stated in a statement by the Amparo Foundation to the San Pablo State Inquiry.
  • Towards the end of January, another study by researchers at the Brazilian state laboratory Oswaldo Cruz Foundation(Fiocruz)reported that in individuals infected with P.1., the viral load in the body can be up to ten times higher.
  • Regarding the risk of reinfection, in a significant portion of people already infected with the coronavirus, Scientists noted that between 25% and 61%, the new variant of Manaus can bypass the immune system and cause a new infection.
  • “In just seven weeks, P.1. has become the most prevalent strain of SARS-CoV-2 in the region “declared the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation in early March. The Amazon variant, they argued, experienced a period of rapid molecular evolution, the reasons for which are unknown.


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